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What is ERP Integration featured image showing business owners discussing business data (1)

What is ERP Integration?

Looking for an integrated AP Automation Solution for your ERP System? This article looks at different ways to handle ERP integrations – but as your here, let us quickly mention Zahara. Our software …

Best Accounts Payable Your Ultimate Guide

Accounts Payable – Your Ultimate Guide

What is Accounts Payable? Accounts Payable refers to the amount of money a business owes to its suppliers for goods or services received on credit. It is a short-term debt and a liability on the bala…

Automated Accounts Payable: Best practices for 2024

Automated Accounts Payable Best Practices

Best Practices for 2024 Financial management is changing all the time, and the need for efficient and streamlined accounts payable processes has never been more important. Once a business grows, it m…