Take a full trial of Zahara to start your cost control journey with our 30-day no-limits trial.
No commitment, just a taster.
By submitting your information, you acknowledge that your data will be handled in accordance with Zahara’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and you authorise Zahara Systems LTD to send you updates about Zahara products, services, and events.
How it works
We have three ways above of you trying Zahara. For those wanting to create a Full Trial, choose the 'Build a Tenancy'. You can sync with your finance system and get going straight away. Submit the forms and the
links will be enabled for you. will also email you the links.
The other two options take you to fully working models of Zahara with dummy data. You get the full Zahara experience of our easy-to-use interface but don't have to spend any time setting up users or changing settings. This is
a taster of how we do things.