Sometimes you need a little invoice flexibility

Our Zahara customers can create sophisticated approval processes that trigger in certain scenarios like a Budget being exceeded of an invoice coming in that is more than an order value. Pretty much whatever you want to setup you can do it in Zahara and do it quickly and easily.


There are times though when an invoice comes in and it doesn’t meet any of these rules. Perhaps there is no order or there is no audit trail behind it. Our new Ad Hoc approvals are designed to fix this problem. Now when viewing the invoice, the finance admin can select an approvers name from a list and send it to them for approval or comment. Every time they get a response from the business, it’s added to the history of the invoice. And the invoice can keep going out for approval until the finance team are happy that every line item is accounted for. It’s this flexibility and reassurance that is sometimes needed before a payment can be made.


If somebody asked us to name something that sets us apart from our competitors we would say one thing – “listening”. We listen to what our customers need and then implement these features as quickly as possible. Anything to make the purchasing process better around the world!


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