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Reporting function for non-admin users - restrict what users can see reports on

I will add my feedback on the forum in the hope that this can be changed but as I state below, part of the benefit of Zahara is that our colleagues have access to real time reporting, and I do not want to take that away from them.  It is however very concerning that one of my colleagues working in one division can potentially see something very private and confidential in the People division.  I’m sure you can imagine what kind of information might be on a purchase order or an invoice in the HR team, so I would like put this forward once again, are you sure this is not something that can already be restricted as it doesn’t make sense that we can restrict users from seeing each others purchase orders but they can see them if they run off a report, and it doesn’t make sense to restrict viewing others’ purchase orders if it means we have to restrict access to reporting.  This would seem like quite a big oversight in the design of the system, and given how fantastic it’s been so far, I’m not sure I believe it!

Hi Joanne, thank you for taking the time to add your comments here. Access to reporting has always been reserved for admins of the system but we understand this may not always be the case. I'd love to schedule a call to fully understand your requirement, we are always looking at ways to improve the software so I'll send you an email to hopefully get this arranged. Emma