BLOG Archive

Take Back Control of Your Purchasing

Operational inefficiencies are a blight on business, yet largely avoidable with some straight-forward technical interventions. The procurement process is one such business function that has potential…

Man holding up his hand with a red stop sign sticker that says "STOP and PRAY.

Stop Approving Supplier Invoices!

If you’re having to check every supplier invoice is ok to pay - your process is broken.   When a supplier submits their invoice, they will typically have fulfilled their part of the contract,…

Image of a calendar with the 18th circled in red. The text reads "New Zahara Update" and "Brand New Features Added" with the Zahara logo in the bottom left corner. Get ready for an exciting approval process makeover!

Workflow – Conditional Start

Business > Divisions > Workflow We have just updated Zahara adding some more functions. One of those functions is the conditional approval workflow starts which has been requested by many Zahar…