Approval workflows are administered from the Divisions. Divisions are found under the Business menu. Workflows can be created for both Purchase Orders and Invoices. There are a number of steps that yo…
There are three ways to approve an order or an invoice. The best experience is the mobile app. The email is designed to be short and quick. The approver can approve: From the mobile app From…
An invoice can arrive in the business but you find a corresponding purchase order hasn't been receipted. There is no GRN. We have a workflow step for invoice approvals that can check the GRN status. I…
There are times when you need your approvers to also code an invoice or an order as part of the approval. Coding can include the Account code (ledger/nominal), the Cost Code or the Project code. You c…
We have occasional reports of invoices and purchase orders being auto-approved or rejected when the approval email gets sent out to the users. This then stops the user from clicking the link as its al…
Absence & Delegation If you are an approver and you will be away for an extended period of time, you or your tenancy admins can set a delegate to under-take the approvals while you are away. Once…
Approval workflows sit at the Division level and Divisions are designed to be flexible, but are really the natural groupings of people in your organisation. If you are a typical business with Marketin…
A flashing approval icon is a notification related to an Adhoc approval. It means that the invoice has been updated and you need to take action. Please see the help article that covers adhoc invoic…
An approver has left gainful employment with you, and they have 20 documents waiting for their approval. What to do? Here's our advice. Change their password in Tenancy > Admin and…
The mobile app is available on app stores with six main features: Approvals of Orders & Invoices with Coding Full Order Creation Quick Order Creation GRN / Receipting of Orders Cre…
You can ensure that your team is reasonably informed of why a purchase order or an invoice has been rejected. Using our "Mandatory approval rejection comment" feature you can make it mandatory that a …
How can I tell if something is approved? You will see a green icon if a document has gone into a workflow and been approved. What does a grey approval icon mean? This means a document hasn'…
People often ask how they actually do the approving (or rejecting in Zahara). Documents (Purchase Orders or Invoices) can be approved or rejected in the following ways: The approval dashboard …
You can use Microsoft Power Automate (Microsoft Flow) & Zapier to generate an approval when a new [geoip-content not-country="US,CA"]supplier[/geoip-content][geoip-content country="US,CA,MX"]ven…